Deal with Break-up
The thought and the idea are from the book named as:-
"Why We Love The Way We Do"
-Preeti Shenoy
The thought and idea are similar to most people,people feels this emotions the most.
A broken heart is a fragile thing...
There simply is no quick fix to deal with a broken heart.
When you have a fall and twist an ankle,what it needs is rest.You need to est the foot,not put any weight on it,prop it up,give it hot and cold compress.
In time,the body generates new cells and the ankle stops hurting.
Heartbreak is like an emotional fall.You cannot see the injuries,but you are hurt..!!
In order to heal you need to rest,as in the case of ankle you wouldn't deny the pain and start walking.If you did,you would risk injuring it further.
Similarly with heartbreak,if you try and pretend that noting is wrong,you might make things worse in the long run.
There are several things that you can do which can help you to get over that person who is no longer in your life:-
1:-First step:- ACCEPTANCE
The first would be to ask oneself that it really wants to move on..??
Have you accepted that this person and you are never going to have a relationship and you cannot even be friends..??
This is going to be a very painful process..
If you want to move on this is one of the things which you have to face,and it is going to hurt much more than you can imagine.
Many people have quit their jobs,college,lives to move on.
No one can ever imagine that a break up hurt that much..
The thing with break up is that if you want to recover than you have to kill any notion that the person may come back.often we do not realise that we are holding on to false hope.
One has to accept that the rest of your life is going to be lived without them.
If you find it very hard,then one of the things you can do is write out all that you feel and express yourself completely.
"Pouring out your feelings is cathartic"

Once you have accepted that they are gone,then one has to be ruthless,hard hearted and determined.
remember you are trying to reclaim you life..
cut outs all the ways of being in touch with that person,delete it from each and every area from your life.
if you are serious about recovery then you have to be serious about sticking to your resolve.
"The things which we place greatest values upon are prioritised by their context in our lives"
3:- Third step:- DISTRACT YOURSELF
The human mind is a monkey that is hard to control..
The simple and the easiest way to define it is:-
Make yourself busy in the things which is beneficial to you and to your future or the things in which you are intrested in for the beneficial purpose of your life.
"You have power over your mind-not outside events"
Just because that person does not love you it does not mean that no one in this world does not love you..
It does not mean that you are worthless and your life is going nowhere.
Remind yourself of the people who love you-Your family,friends..
Yes,i know that it's not the same as that person was truly special,They made you feel like no body else could.
It will help to spend time with positive people rather being a devdas..!!
Always remember that there are new people waiting to enter in you life..
Take up your once forgotten hobby or passion and go for it..start working on it.
Do something that you always wanted to but never did before..
Do not wallow,trying to figure out why the relationship did not work.
Remind yourself that you are worth more than that.
Before you know it,you would have reclaimed your life..!!
............. ... .. THE HEART WAS MADE TO BE BROKEN..!!

"Why We Love The Way We Do"
-Preeti Shenoy
The thought and idea are similar to most people,people feels this emotions the most.
A broken heart is a fragile thing...
There simply is no quick fix to deal with a broken heart.

In time,the body generates new cells and the ankle stops hurting.
Heartbreak is like an emotional fall.You cannot see the injuries,but you are hurt..!!
In order to heal you need to rest,as in the case of ankle you wouldn't deny the pain and start walking.If you did,you would risk injuring it further.
Similarly with heartbreak,if you try and pretend that noting is wrong,you might make things worse in the long run.
There are several things that you can do which can help you to get over that person who is no longer in your life:-
1:-First step:- ACCEPTANCE
The first would be to ask oneself that it really wants to move on..??
Have you accepted that this person and you are never going to have a relationship and you cannot even be friends..??

If you want to move on this is one of the things which you have to face,and it is going to hurt much more than you can imagine.
Many people have quit their jobs,college,lives to move on.
No one can ever imagine that a break up hurt that much..
The thing with break up is that if you want to recover than you have to kill any notion that the person may come back.often we do not realise that we are holding on to false hope.
One has to accept that the rest of your life is going to be lived without them.
If you find it very hard,then one of the things you can do is write out all that you feel and express yourself completely.
"Pouring out your feelings is cathartic"

Once you have accepted that they are gone,then one has to be ruthless,hard hearted and determined.
remember you are trying to reclaim you life..
cut outs all the ways of being in touch with that person,delete it from each and every area from your life.
if you are serious about recovery then you have to be serious about sticking to your resolve.
"The things which we place greatest values upon are prioritised by their context in our lives"
3:- Third step:- DISTRACT YOURSELF
The human mind is a monkey that is hard to control..
The simple and the easiest way to define it is:-
Make yourself busy in the things which is beneficial to you and to your future or the things in which you are intrested in for the beneficial purpose of your life.
"You have power over your mind-not outside events"
Just because that person does not love you it does not mean that no one in this world does not love you..
It does not mean that you are worthless and your life is going nowhere.
Remind yourself of the people who love you-Your family,friends..
Yes,i know that it's not the same as that person was truly special,They made you feel like no body else could.
It will help to spend time with positive people rather being a devdas..!!
Always remember that there are new people waiting to enter in you life..
Take up your once forgotten hobby or passion and go for it..start working on it.
Do something that you always wanted to but never did before..
Do not wallow,trying to figure out why the relationship did not work.
Remind yourself that you are worth more than that.
Before you know it,you would have reclaimed your life..!!
............. ... .. THE HEART WAS MADE TO BE BROKEN..!!

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