Consistency,the broker of life.

Consistency means that,doing a particular work continuously for a long period of time which is either beneficial or harmful for you and for your entire life as well. It depends on you what you what you choose to live you life in which way. Most people dreams and everyone wants to be successful,you can't find any person who is ready to say that i don't want to be successful till the rest o my life. But most importantly no one is able or willing to pay the price for it which it take to be successful. Discipline,Which comes from consistency. Everyone want to live their life successfully but don't want to sacrifice their comfort zone,they want to be successful while living in their comfort zone. There is a famous saying about success that, if you want to be successful then you mus have to step out from your comfort zone. Now a question arises here that if consistency is everything then how to develop it in our lives..?? The answer is as similar as simple that we ...